(인매직 게시판 http://cafe.daum.net/magin/JUU/26465 에서 인용하였습니다.)
dotp2013 넷 플레이를 하다보면,덱에 잠긴 카드를 다 꺼내도 볼 수 없었던 카드들이 보인다.
이 카드들은 행사용 코드를 입력해야만 얻을 수 있는 카드들인데, 현재 2개정도를 위자드 행사에서 공개를 한 상황이다.
하지만, 위자드 커뮤니티의 사람들이 노가다를 해서 코드 10개를 모두 알아내고 만다.
다음이 그 결과물이다.
게임 실행시 플레이어 상태에 들어가면 행사용 잠금 해제 목록보기라는 메뉴가 있는데 그곳에 들어가서 코드를 입력하면 된다.
그럼 다음과 같은 결과물이 나온다. (출처 : http://www.toptiertactics.com)
Duels 2013 promo code FNMDGP unlocks:
- Celestial Light: Serra Avatar
- Born of Flame: Furnace of Rath
- Pack Instinct: Vorapede
- Dream Puppets: Grindstone
- Goblin Gangland: Goblin War Strike
- Obedient Dead: Grave Titan
- Peacekeepers: Honor of the Pure
- Exalted Darkness: Royal Assassin (slick!)
- Ancient Wilds: Soul of the Harvest
- Crosswinds: Tidings
Duels 2013 promo code MWTMJP unlocks:
- Celestial Light: Serra Ascendant
- Born of Flame: Worldfire (!)
- Pack Instinct: Incremental Growth
- Dream Puppets: Sands of Delirium
- Goblin Gangland: Goblin Chieftain
- Obedient Dead: Nantuko Shade
- Peacekeepers: Dawn Elemental
- Exalted Darkness: Spirit Mantle
- Ancient Wilds: Decree of Savagery
- Crosswinds: Time Stretch
Duels 2013 promo code FXGJDW unlocks:
- Obedient Dead: Reiver Demon
- Peacekeepers: Intrepid Hero
- Exalted Darkness: Worship (lol)
- Ancient Wilds: Joraga Warcaller
- Crosswinds: Time Warp
- Celestial Light: Baneslayer Angel
- Born of Flame: Chain Reaction
- Pack Instinct: Biorhythm
- Dream Puppets: Forced Fruition
- Goblin Gangland: Goblin Artillery
Duels 2013 promo code GDZDJC unlocks:
- Obedient Dead: Massacre Wurm
- Exalted Darkness: Angel of Despair
- Peacekeepers: Guardians’ Pledge
- Ancient Wilds: Thragtusk
- Crosswinds: Followed Footsteps (nice!)
- Celestial Light: Chastise
- Born of Flame: Flame Wave
- Pack Instinct: Dungrove Elder
- Dream Puppets: Body Double
- Goblin Gangland: Siege-Gang Commander
Navigate to player stats, click on the promotions, then choose Enter Code. Enter code WMKFGC in the player stats area, which will unlock one card for each of the existing core decks:
- Flow of Ideas for Crosswinds
- Phage the Untouchable for Obedient Dead
- Sigil of the New Dawn for Peacekeepers
- Pillory of the Sleepless for Exalted Darkness
- Spawnwrithe for Ancient Wilds
- Recumbent Bliss for Celestial Light
- Chandra’s Phoenix for Born of Flame
- Genesis Wave for Pack Instinct
- Telemin Performance for Mind Puppets
- Goblin Guide for Goblin Gangland
Our commenter Leo has just hooked us up with another free ten cards. Just follow the instructions above but input code KWPMZW. You’ll unlock the following cards:
- Dread for Obidient Dead
- Squadron Hawk for Peacekeepers (finally!)
- Vindicate for Exalted Darkness
- Gigantomancer for Ancient Wilds
- Bribery for Crosswinds (another Panoptic bomb)
- Soul Warden for Celestial Light
- Lightning Bolt for Born of Flame
- Verdant Force for Pack Instinct
- Dreamborn Muse for Mind Puppets
- Goblin Assault for Goblin Gangland
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